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DJSNA Invites Jain Sadhus & Scholars to Celebrate Das Lakshan Maha Parva During September 2008 and Visit North American Jain Centers
DJSNA is pleased to arrange the visits of the following distinguished Jain Sadhus & Scholars to help us celebrate Das Lakshan Maha Parva from Sept. 04 to Sept. 14, 2008.
As last year, during the JAINA Convention 2007 and Das Lakshan Maha Parva, DJSNA, once again, is sponsoring and inviting the following scholars to help us celebrate Das Lakshan Maha Parva and enhance our religious knowledge: |
Bhattarak Swamiji of Moodbidri |
JCA - Jain Center of America - NY |
Dr. Sneha Rani Jain |
JCGB - Jain Center of Greater Boston - MA |
Pracharya Narendra Prakash Jain |
JCNC - Jain Center of Northern California - CA |
Dr. Abhay Dagade |
JSGA - Jain Center of Greater Atlanta - GA |
Besides celebrating Das Lakshan Parva, these Jain Sadhus & Scholars will also be available to visit your local Jain Center or Group during the two weeks after Das Lakshan Parva. DJSNA encourages you to invite these Spiritual Leaders & Scholars and take full advantage of this rare opportunity of Dharma Labh and Dharma Prabhavna. Please contact DJSNA to arrange a visit of these Jain Sadhus & Scholars to your Jain Center or Group.
To schedule a Lecture Series or Pooja Vidhan from any of these Jain Sadhus & Scholars, please email Scholars@DJSNA.org or contact the following persons for more information:
As we are getting ready to celebrate our most auspicious holy days of Das Lakshan Parva, DJSNA will be happy to send you the following educational & religious items (limited quantities - USA Addresses only):
- Educational & Religious DJSNA Mini Library Book Set (Set of 4 Jain Books include: Self Enlightenment - Chaha Dhalaa, Practical Path - Ratnakarand Shravakachaar, Pravachan Parv - Preaching Paradise and Jain Tatvavidhya).
- DJSNA Audio CD's of complete Jinendra Archana by Pandit Jai Kumar Ji Upadhay (Set of 3 CD's containing Daily Poojas with Abhishek Paath, Shanti Dhara, Shanti Paath & Aartis).
- DJSNA VCD's of Vishesh Pravachans delivered by 105 Gadhni Aariyaka Pujya Pragh Mati Mataji, at Samavsharan Mandir in Indore MP, during Paryushan Parva of 2007.
Reading, Listening and Meditating on these Books & CDs will definitely help us in better understanding of our religion leading to a more happy and peaceful life.
Please email us your name with full mailing address ASAP to ContactUs@DJSNA.org, so the mailing can be done in time to celebrate Das Lakshan Maha Parva.
As part of Dharma Prabhawana, please ask your family & friends to register as members of DJSNA www.DJSNA.org and be a proud participant of our Jain community. |
Below are brief Biographies of the visiting Jain Sadhus & Scholars.
DJSNA Sponsored Jain Sadhu & Scholars Biographies
Bhattarak Swamiji of Moodbidri:
Bhattarak Swamiji of Moodbidri acquired his Computer Education and Diploma in Civil Engineering (Architecture) from the Udupi-Manipal Institute. To crown his educational career, he continued his studies for Post Graduation in Economics at Mysore University.
He had his initial religious indoctrination (Dharma Bala Bodha) at Bajagoli-Karkala and further religious lessons "Rathna KarandakaVisharada Dravya Sangraha" at Varanasi. He showed interest in volunteer services in religious centers and functions. He is experienced in organizing religious camps and workshops and has also been writing religious articles to promote the Jain Dharma.
At the request of the South Kanara Jain community, he was designated as the religious Head of Sri Jain Mutt, Moodbidri. He kept himself busy with all kinds of religious activities and organized various literary conferences and religious functions in Moodbidri. He organized camps such as: Free Gamaka Teaching Camp, Sanskrit Patha Shala, and Free Thribuvana Fine Arts School.
In recognition of his immense knowledge in Architecture, Kolkatta Astrological University honored him by presenting the award of Bharatha Bhushana in the International Astrological Conference. The "Non-Violence" organization presented the award of "Dharma Rathna" to him. Being the Head of the Trust of the local 18 Jain Temples, he has already taken up the work of renovating several Jain Temples with the help and support of generous donations from the devotees.
He wishes to establish an Ashrama to promote the Jain way of life. He has already started to work on the publication of rare works in the "Rama Rani Research Center". He has many visions for the Jain future that lies ahead.
Dr. Sneha Rani Jain:
Dr. Sneha Rani Jain holds a meritorious Academic record and is the first woman Ph.D. in Pharmacy from India. She did her post-doctoral research in Bio-Technology & Pharmacy in Germany and West Virginia. She has taught Pharmacy at the Graduate & Post Graduate level at several Universities in India.
Dr. Sneha Rani's religious interests were inspired by Baal Acharya Shri Vidyasagar Ji Maharaj. She devoted herself as Brahmacharini, joining the Sangha and also attending her work-duties. She took the Anuvrata-oath in 1984 and Brahmacharya-oath in 1986.
She developed a deep interest in History and Archaeology and has published several books and numerous research papers on Indus Valley, Harappan, Shravan Belagola and other ancient archaeological sites related to Jainism. She has written and composed several Songs of Jain Themes in English for Children, and has prepared a Pictorial Book on Religion with the Title: "Jainism - The Eternal Truth". Her first song appeared at the Parliament of World Religion in Chicago, 1993. She has more than 50 published papers on Pharmacy and has written over 100 articles on Jain and Archaeological themes in National and International Magazines.
Her specialty is in Jain Metaphysics and the Scientific principles of the Jain Religion. She is fluent in English, German, Russian, Hindi, Gujarati, Bengali, and Marathi.
Narendra Prakash Jain:
Narendra Prakash Jain has done M.A. in Hindi at Agra University, India. He has also done L.T. Teacher's Training. He has experience as a principal and a lecturer. He has written many Jain books such as: Hindi Rachna Kalpdrum, Madhur Smritiyan, Chintan Pravah, Samay Ke Shilalekh, Samajik Ekta Ke Chaar Sutra, Ganini Gyanmati- Ek Bemisaal Vyaktit, Jeevan Ese Jiya (his autobiography), and many more.
He held additional responsibilities including the position of editor of "Jain Gajat Weekly", a Jain magazine. He was also a member of the Arhat Vachan Committee. He held the position of President of Mansarovar Sahit Sangam in Firozabad. He was also a founding member of Shrut Seva Nidhi Niyas in Firozabad.
His other activities include arranging Pravachans and Camps throughout the country. He teaches new Jain scholars on the art of Pravachan and Lecture.
He has been recognized as receiving awards such as Acharya Vidya Sagar Rajat Saiyam Varsh Puruskar (1993), Gomteshwar Vidhyapit Puruskar (1996), Kund Kund Gyan Pit Puruskar (2004), and many others for his achievements.
Dr. Abhay Khushalchand Dagade:
Dr. Abhay K. Dagade has done M.B.B.S. at Pune University in 1977. He is a life member of the Indian Medical Association and a life member of Maharashtra Medical Association in Mumbai. He has been practicing as a family physician for the last thirty years in the Kopargaon area.
He had the position of medical examiner on the panel of Life Insurance Corporation of India for the last twenty-seven years. He arranged, conducted, and participated in about several camps including health education camps and blood examination camps. He worked as a President of the Indian Medical Association in the Kopargaon branch in 2000-2001.
He has studied many ancient Granthas such as: the Chaha Dhalaa, Tatwarth Sutra, Ratna Karandak Shravakachar, Samaysar, etc. He has been arranging and conducting Swadhyaya classes twice a day in Shri Parshwanath Digambar Jain Mandir in Kopargaon. He worked as the chief of Digambar Jain Samaj in Kopargaon from 1999-2001. He helped with the construction of Bhagwan Chandraprabhu Chaityalaya. He arranged and conducted the Panchkalyanak Pratishtha Mahotsav there as well. He has given lectures on various topics in many different cities.
Jainam Jayati Shasanam